This course covers the theory, operation, maintenance, and testing of power transformers and auxiliary equipment. Topics included are transformer fundamentals, transformer ratings, transformer cooling, nitrogen gas systems, and insulation systems.

This course covers the theory, operation, maintenance, and testing of power transformers and auxiliary equipment. Topics included are transformer fundamentals, transformer ratings, transformer cooling, nitrogen gas systems, and insulation systems. The source concludes with in-depth discussions of transformer testing techniques. This course is applicable to technicians and engineers who need a sound understanding of power transformer operation and maintenance. Participants will learn safe and proper maintenance and testing procedures on the pad-mounted, power transformers. The course covers transformers used in commercial and industrial power distribution systems, including oil and dry-type units. Larger power transformers used in utility applications are also covered.
Load and no-load tap changer maintenance, ac and dc testing, routine inspections, and oil sampling and testing are covered in detail. Participants will learn how to perform routine oil tests, and understand how to perform the major tests that are required. A variety of electrical test equipment from various manufacturers will be discussed.
Upon completion of this course, the participant should be able to:
Explain the basic operation of a transformer.
Discuss turns ratios and calculate terminal voltage and current.
Discuss terminal markings and various single-phase and three-phase wiring schemes.
Explain how to perform a polarity test on a potential transformer.
Discuss the electrical testing performed on transformers such as insulation resistance
testing, excitation, and power factor testing.
Discuss the various tests performed on insulating
Transformer Principles
Right-Hand Rule
Magnetic Flux
Magnetic Induction
Left Hand RuleTurns Ratio
Transformer Losses
Transformer Types
Vector Diagrams
Operating Principles
Operation Without Load
Operation with Load
3. Transformer Classifications
Service Classification
Instrument Transformers
Transformer Construction (Construction)
Magnetizing Circuits
Air-Cooled Oil-Immersed
Temperature Limits
Transformer Loading
Tap Changers
No-Load Tap Changer
Tap Changing Under Load
Phase-Angle Control
Transformer Connections
Single Phase Circuits
Two-Phase Circuits
Three-Phase Circuits
Transformer Maintenance
Insulation Testing
High Potential Testing
Turns Ratio Testing
Polarity Testing
Power Factor
Excitation Current
DC Winding Resistance
Polarization Recovery
Insulating Fluid Dielectric
Dissolved Gas Analysis
Transformers and Relaying
Transformer Faults
Differential Relaying
3 Reviews
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