Every company is in business to delight its customers through timely delivery of quality products and services at minimal prices. Quality, delivery and cost suffer when machines breakdown suddenly without warning or when they do not run properly.

Basic Principles of Autonomous Maintenance and Continuous Improvement
The Workshop
Every company is in business to delight its customers through timely delivery of quality products and services at minimal prices. Quality, delivery and cost suffer when machines breakdown suddenly without warning or when they do not run properly. This workshop teaches the system of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) from the vantage of the Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) strategy.
It provides an introductory treatment for companies who would embark on TPM program and for individuals who are about to become a part of an existing TPM system. The workshop will impart the concepts and methods of conducting an in-plant TPM style shop floor improvement. TPM is a Japanese approach of reducing product cost by improving the overall equipment effectiveness through elimination of muda or non-value adding activities in operations and in the preventive maintenance of machines and equipment. The approach employs the concept of Total System Focus involving everyone particularly the production and maintenance people in the process of muda elimination.
Workshop Objectives
By the end of the workshop, the following would have been accomplished:
- Mental Conversion to the CPI (Kaizen) philosophy that inspires people to change;
- Learned the basic concepts, tools and techniques of TPM, and the system for continuous
improvement of the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE); and
- Learned the method for improving and establishing standards for autonomous, reliability,
breakdown and planned maintenance.
- Kaizen Philosophy
- Principles of Continuous Improvement
- Concepts of Continuous Improvement
- TPM Results & OEE
- TPM Process & 8 Pillars
- 5-S Activities
- Changeover & Set-Up Reduction
- Reliability Maintenance
- Migration of Breakdown to Planned Maintenance
- Steps to Autonomous Maintenance
- Continuous Improvement Culture