THE WORKSHOP A formal management system or framework can help an organisation manage Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE). The […]

A formal management system or framework can help an organisation manage Health, Safety and the Environment (HSE). The aim of this course is to deliver an understanding of what constitutes an HSE Management System (HSE MS), and how these systems are applied in different hazardous industries. Legislative requirements and international standards for an HSE MS are also discussed. The course examines issues associated with the documentation and the human elements for the successful implementation of an HSE MS.
The main aim of HSE Management is to reduce or eliminate harm to staff, damage to company equipment and protect the environment, as well as reduce company’s risk of litigation. This is achieved by making sure the organisation complies with relevant regulations and by helping reduce the number of accidents and environmental disasters occurring in the workplace.
HSE Management System defines the principles by which companies conduct operations worldwide with regards to health, safety, and the environment.
Participants attending this programme will learn how to:
- Safety awareness, principles and practice.
- Environmental principles, pollution, and practice.
- Occupational health knowledge and implementation.
- Roles of occupational hygienist.
- Relational between a health hazard, a disease and accident.
- Types of occupational hazards in working environment (basic classes of environmental stress).
- The three phases of occupational health programme- assessment, evaluation and control of hazards.
- Industrial hygiene and control.
- Fire prevention, control and protection. to acquaint participant with the basic principles of fire with a view to allying their fear and increase their understanding of fire.
- Understand the nature and properties of fire.
- Know different types and extinguishing media.
- Know types and use of portable fire extinguishers with their limitations.
- Know causes of fire.
- Know how to prevent fire occurrence.
- Know how to fight fires, at incipient stage.
- Emergency management and natural disaster response.
- Security operations in industry and access control.
- Community liaison, development and crisis management.
- Journey management.
- HSE auditing.
- HSE management system implementation.
- Know the applicable ISO Standards.
- Understand the difference and similarities between ISO OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001.
- Become familiar with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems.
Introduction HSE Polices
- Meaning of HSE – Management Systems
- What is HSE-MS
- Scope of HSE-MS
- HSE-MS Components
- The Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)
- Types of Risks Assessment
- Hazard Analysis definition
- Task Hazard Register
- Task Hazard Control Sheet
- The Supervisor and Safety
- Job Hazard Analysis
- Unsafe Act Audit Report Form
- Permit to work xiv Journey Management
- Defensive Driving
- Incident Report Form
- Accident and Incident Investigation and Reporting
Environmental Management
- Environmental Protection ii. Some common Environmental Phenomena
- Environmental Management
- Harmful Environmental condition and exposures
- Waste Management
- Hazards of poor Waste Management
- Some of the agencies involved in Spill Management.
- Safe handling of Chemicals
- Environmental Impact Assessment, Evaluation Report and Statement (EIA, EEA, EIS)
Occupational Health
- Aims and objectives of Occupational Health
- The Relationship between Health and Work
- The relationship between a Health Hazard, Accident and Disease
- Types of Occupational Hazards in working Environment
Security Management
- Introduction/definition
- Assets and types of Assets
- Some security methods for protecting Company Assets
- Site Security Plan/ Emergency Response Procedures
- Security Emergency Response Community Disturbance
- Security Emergency Response, Stealing/ Theft
- Physical Security or Protective Measures
Principles and Practice of First Aid
- Introduction
- Aims and Objectives of First Aid
- Qualification of a First Aider
- General rules guiding First Aiders
- Principle and practices of Emergency Management
- Artificial Respiration
- The Technique of Artificial Respiration
- Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation
Fire Safety
- Types and Classification of Fires
- Classification of Fire and Extinction Method
- Fire preventive measures
- Method of operating and use of portable fire Extinguishers