On completion of this course, participants will: Identify the scope of responsibilities and authorisations to be met Identify the project […]

On completion of this course, participants will:
- Identify the scope of responsibilities and authorisations to be met
- Identify the project objectives and confirm requirements of the site and operational activities
- Inspect and identify defects in and maintenance needs of the road network
- Understand project planning targets and implement changes as required
- Conduct ongoing monitoring and recording of on-site performance, including measurement of work output, and report on program achievements
- Prepare and monitor calendars monthly/annual maintenance programme and budgets.
Programme Outline
Introduction to Construction
- Requirements of a good road
- Basic components of a road
- Road reserve explained
- Roadbed explained with visuals
Start of the Road Construction Process
- How to do road planning
- Road Worker Job Description
- Design for traffic loads and volumes
- Design for maintenance
- Materials required for constructing a road
- Clearing the pathway for the road
- Preparation of gravel roads
- Grubbing and stripping of topsoil
- Boulder removal
Road drainage & maintenance of stormwater structures
- Definitions of drain types
- Sub-surface drains
- Catch-water drains
- Miter drains
- Scour checks
- Culverts and their gradient and angles
- Installation of culvert pipes & other structures
- Stormwater Design
- Stormwater Maintenance
- Hydraulic Structures
- Erosion Protection
- Subsoil Drains
- Drainage Maintenance Summary
Completing the final layers of gravel road
- Off-loading of gravel
- Compaction of gravel
- Pave only when ready
Asphalt roads
- Asphalt Properties
- Paving asphalt is water repellent
- Asphalt used in road construction
- General Guidelines for Asphalt Construction
- Preparation of paving asphalt mixtures
- Asphalt Transport and safe handling
- Paver tractor and screed units
Safe working practices
- Road construction & Maintenance Hazards
- Physical Hazards
- Chemical Hazards
- Reducing the Risk during road construction
- Use of road signs in road construction and maintenance
- Flagging Guidelines
Pavement Design
- Pavement Types
- Structural design and pavement type selection
- Behaviour of different pavement types
- Design methods for paved streets
- Surface drainage
- Sub-surface drainage
- Service trenches
- Pavement cross-section
- Kerbs & channels
- Edging
Road Maintenance
- Road Conditions and Road Safety in South Africa
- Road Maintenance activities
- Classification of Maintenance
- Routine Maintenance
- Recurrent Maintenance
- Periodic Maintenance
- Urgent Maintenance
- Maintaining gravel roads
- Characteristics of Well-Maintained Gravel Road
- Gravel Road Maintenance problems
- Riding Surface
- Crown
- Washboard
- Potholes
- Drainage problems
- Methods to repair gravel roads
- Repairing Problem Areas
- Patching
- Grading of road surfaces
- Secondary ditches
- Grading Ditches and Drains
- Optimum Timing/Conditions for Maintenance
Principles of Asphalt pavement distress
- General Repairs
- Types of asphalt road maintenance
- Rutting and transverse cracks
- Edge damage
- Patches and potholes
- Patches & Pothole repair techniques
- Asphalt Surface patching
- Steps for Surface patch repairs for potholes
- Full-Depth Asphalt Repair
- Pothole repair failures
Painting road symbols
- Types of Road Markings
- Instructions for applying road markings
- Pavement Marking Removal
- Safety guidelines when painting roads
- Conclusion and group work
Road Construction and Maintenance Funding
- PPPs
- Difference between PPPs and other forms of finance
- Operation and Maintenance Contracts
- Finance documents and Security Documents
- Sponsor Support Agreements
- Project Selection Strategies and financial considerations
- Project Appraisals and Feasibility studies
- Credit Enhancement Techniques
- Essential Risk Evaluation Techniques
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